Q Q:705209396
售后服务after-sale service
徐州威泰克测控技术有限公司拥有团结、高效的售后服务队伍,拥有专职技术服务人员20余名,大部分骨干力量已从事相关行业十年左右,公司要求售后员工不仅有专业的技术知识更要具有良好的职业道德品质。售后服务部积极贯彻三责制度,即”对用户负责、对产品负责、对公司负责“,同时开展绩效考核,奖优罚劣,更是涌现出员工所到之处表扬接踵而来的现象,如公司员工赵伟杰、胡忠敏等。即赢得了用户的尊重,也为公司取得了荣誉。公司对产品实行终身服务,接到用户电话后12小时内作出响应,同时公司对设备及售后服务人员进行编号归档处理,以使用户随时查阅。 为更好满足用户要求,公司增设了24小时服务电话:13952150662张工,随时欢迎广大用户投诉、咨询、指导。我公司郑重承诺,凡我公司产品,如对售后服务不满意,可随时批评指正。反馈邮箱WEIGHTEC@163.COM “追求卓越,永不懈怠”这是公司发展的内在需求,也是用户对我们的客观评价。
Xuzhou WEIGHTEC Measurement and Control Technology Co., Ltd. has a united and efficient after-sales service team and more than 20 full-time technical service personnel. Most of the backbone forces have been engaged in relevant industries for about ten years. our company requires after-sales employees to not only have professional technical knowledge, but also have good professional ethics quality. When the after-sales service department actively implements the three responsibility system, that is, "responsible for users, products and the company", at the same time, it carries out performance assessment, rewards and punish the bad, but also the phenomenon of employees praise one after another, such as our company employees Zhao Weijie, Hu Zhongmin and so on.That is, it won the respect of users, but also won the honor for the company. our company implements lifelong service to the products, responds within 12 hours after receiving the phone call, and the company numbers the equipment and after-sales service personnel so that users can consult it at any time.
To better meet the user requirements,Our company added a 24-hour service telephone:13952150662Mr zhang,Welcome users to complain, consult and guide at any time,Where our products, if not satisfied with the after-sales service, can be criticized and corrected at any time. Feedback mailbox WEIGHTEC@163.COM |